The World Wagyu Council is comprised of Wagyu breed associations and societies from countries around the world dedicated to cooperative efforts and initiatives for members to promote and develop the integrity of the Wagyu breed and brand internationally.
The World Wagyu Council was first formed in Australia in 2015 and at that time was called The World Wagyu Congress. By resolution six Wagyu breed associations agreed to participate to promote cooperative efforts to advance the Wagyu breed and brand around the world.
The initial breed associations were the Australian Wagyu Association, American Akaushi Association, American Wagyu Association, British Wagyu Association, German Wagyu Association and South African Wagyu Association.
In 2020 the Wagyu society of South African hosted the second international meeting and following that meeting member countries agreed to establish a formal entity that would represent the cooperative efforts of its international members.
Full members and associate members and other specialists may be invited to attend meetings of the World Wagyu Council, as required.
A quorum will be the delegates of three Full Members.
World Wagyu Council meetings will be held not less than once a year. In addition, the Council Chairman is required to call a meeting of the World Wagyu Council if requested to do so by any Full Member.
WWC business entity is established in the USA and is in the process of becoming a qualified non-profit organization. Bank accounts are established in the USA as well.
The World Wagyu Conference will be held every three (3) years. A Council meeting will take place to coincide with the World Wagyu Conference. The meeting will be held in the host country.
World Council Interim meetings may be conducted by telephone or video conference. The bidding process should involve countries nominating to host the World Wagyu Conference and the Council to vote to select the winning bid. The proposal is also to have in country, interim technical meetings.
The World Wagyu Council is authorised to undertake any activities within its charter. The World Wagyu Council can only make recommendations to its Members and has no authority to enforce those recommendations.
The Council shall provide the minutes of the World Wagyu Council meetings to the Chairman for approval then circulate the minutes of the meetings to all Full and Associate Members.
The minutes of the World Wagyu Council meeting are to be tabled and accepted at the next World Wagyu Council meeting. The Council is to maintain a list of resolutions and their status is to be reported at the next meeting.
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