Membership of the World Wagyu Council is open to any country’s breeding organisation or to individual Wagyu breeders internationally who do not as yet have an official breeding organisation.

Membership of the World Wagyu Council is voluntary.
A joining fee for all new members of $500 or $250 respectively payable in the first year only in addition to the annual subs.

Categories of membership are

Full Member

The association formed to represent the Wagyu breed in a country. The Member association may be represented on the World Wagyu Council by up to two (2) delegates. The secretariat and chairman are not considered to be part of the delegates. Only Full Member delegates may vote on resolutions of the World Wagyu Council. Full Members will pay a membership subscription of US$500 per annum to assist in maintaining the Council services.

The financial year will be from August to July the following year.

Associate Member

Wagyu breeders from a country where an association has not yet been established or who does not what to be full member but would rather have observer status. Associate Members may attend meetings of the World Wagyu Council but shall have no voting rights. Associate members will pay subscription of US$250 per annum for associate membership.

WWC membership includes the following members with links to their websites with contact information.

Full Members

Associate Members

American Akaushi Association

American Wagyu Association

British Wagyu Breeders Association

German Wagyu Association

Wagyu Society of South Africa

Swiss Wagyu Association

Markus Dönz
Phone: 0041 78 835 76 09

Namibian Wagyu Society

Czech Republic Wagyu Association

Email: #
Phone: #

Australian Wagyu Association

Brazilian Wagyu Association

New Zealand Wagyu Breeders Association