Graham Truscott

Graham Truscott

Born and raised in a Gippsland dairy farming family, Graham completed a Bachelor of Science (Forestry) in Canberra and a Graduate Diploma in Computing.

A 14-year career in information and communications technology with Federal and Queensland State governments culminated in the Senior Executive Service. In 1994 he returned to agriculture, moving to Armidale as CEO of Angus Australia for 15 years. He spent three years as Deputy CEO of the Cooperative Research Centre for Sheep Industry Innovation, followed by five years as CEO of the Australian Wagyu Association.

Retiring in 2017, he was engaged as a business consultant to the Wagyu Society of South Africa where he assisted in establishing their Association, set up a Wagyu Certification system and spoke on the Wagyu industry throughout South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe. Graham serves as an active member of his church and is President of Armidale Youth Futures, funding Christian education into the Armidale schools. Graham is married to Evie and they have four wonderful children and nine delightful grandchildren